Swing VS SWT

Q: One developer, torn between .NET and Java technology, expressed frustration by the fragmentation in the Java language and said, "Eclipse's SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) is so much nicer than AWT or Swing; JBuilder's got a much nicer GUI, but it doesn't come with SWT. Hibernate? JDO? Beans?" He wanted to know how the next releases will make development easier, make applications prettier and easier to deploy, and offer through-the-roof database technology so he can develop the fastest, most stable, slickest applications in the least amount of time, leaving .NET conformists in the dust.

Ans: Well, I would certainly recommend that he use Java Foundation Classes/Swing (JFC/Swing), which, if used properly, gets much, much better performance than SWT. However, Swing has a lot more features than SWT, making it easier to use incorrectly. This has been a problem. As for database issues, each situation is a little different, and you have to know a lot more about the situation. In some situations, relational databases are fine. But for others, object persistence solutions are better. It's a very turbulent part of the technology.

Reference http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Interviews/gosling_reinhold_qa.html


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