JavaFX innovative GUI development

Many Java developers have been using Swing, SWT and AWT for many years. JavaFx is another option which we can consider to provide a rich client application to client. It was published by Sun Mircosystems from 2007 and becomes popular these years. Even though the market share is not big and not much job opportunity are created, the JavaFX framework is really cool which provides attractive GUI widget, CSS, responsive GUI performance, portable behaviour and full featured library.

I came across JAVAFx8 Pro in 2014 and started to play around the library and tools

Here is the reference

Those JavaFX API call and design are very similar to SWT and Swing. Some new flexible library for example CSS Style, Properties Bindings, FXCollection, Concurrent Task and new UI Control are introduced.

Credited by the JavaFx API and example of JAVAFx8 Pro. I have created a new version of Dictionary  to replace my legacy Yahoo Dictionary program. A extremely simple Java application by using Hibernate to persist the data and Runtime Command call to speech the wordings by "say"

The final Look of the new Dictionary 

Scene Builder 

Project in eclipse


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